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Monitoring, evaluation and learning

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    Assessing impact of SA’s Equity Equivalent Investment Programme

    The Department of Trade Industry and Competition (dtic) contracted Genesis Analytics to conduct a comprehensive impact assessment of its Equity Equivalent Investment Programme (EEIP), a component of South Africa’s Broad-Based Black Economic Empowerment (B-BBEE).


    Evaluation aims to unlock Tanzania’s innovation potential

    The Ifakara Innovation Hub, a catalyst for regional innovation and entrepreneurship, was the subject of an end-term evaluation conducted by Genesis Analytics at the behest of the Embassy of Switzerland in Tanzania.


    Green options for Mpumalanga’s ageing coal power stations

    Genesis was put at the helm of a project consortium to study the impact and mitigation of the planned shutdown of seven ageing coal-fired power plants in Mpumalanga, South Africa. The project was commissioned by the Nationally Determined Contributions Partnership, on behalf of the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development, and involved economists, engineers and social experts.


    Winners and losers of Kenya’s gambling tax reforms

    Genesis was contracted by a corporate affairs and public policy advisory firm to independently measure the potential impact of proposed gambling tax reforms on the Kenyan economy.


    Scope for Jordanian companies to step up ESG practices

    The International Finance Corporation contracted Genesis Analytics to conduct a baseline assessment of the adoption of ESG policies and practices in Jordan at the firm, market and regulatory levels. 


    Women shine in evaluation of Ethiopian business growth project

    Genesis Analytics conducted a final evaluation of Digital Opportunity Trust’s Entrepreneurship and Business Growth project in Ethiopia. The project conducted business skills training with entrepreneurs, linked MSMEs to business development services and facilitated greater access to finance.


    Assisting a low-fee independent school to articulate its impact

    Genesis in Society, the firm's corporate social investment arm, engaged Molo Mhlaba to conduct a programmatic assessment of the school, update the school’s theory of change and establish an impact framework to help Molo Mhlaba build an investment case for the school’s future donors.


    Evaluating savings 'triple win' in Sub-Saharan countries

    Genesis conducted the final evaluation of the Savings at the Frontier (SatF) Programme, a $17.6-million partnership between Oxford Policy Management and the Mastercard Foundation.


    Overcoming key challenges of smallholder coffee farmers in Tanzania

    Genesis was contracted to conduct the final evaluation of a Tanzanian project of  International Coffee Partners (ICP), an initiative by eight leading European coffee companies whose vision is to improve smallholder coffee farmers’ livelihoods


    Strategic Learning for IYF’s Passport to Success Programme

    Genesis was appointed to conduct a strategic learning exercise of the Via: Pathways to Work, a five-year initiative that aims to improve economic opportunities for underserved youth in Mozambique and Tanzania.


    Genesis reviews IFC’s Support for Compact with Africa initiative

    Genesis was appointed to conduct the mid-term review (MTR) of the IFC Support for the Compact with Africa (CwA) initiative (ISCA).


    Assessing tech-enabled solutions to global youth unemployment

    Genesis was commissioned by Mercy Corps to conduct a rapid impact assessment of its Youth Impact Labs (YIL) programme.


    Evaluating the development of Tanzanian innovation ecosystem

    Genesis conducted the mid-term strategic evaluation of the Developing Innovation and Entrepreneurship Ecosystems in Tanzania programme, jointly funded by Fondation Botnar and the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC).


    Insight into SME environment in three West African countries

    Genesis was commissioned by the IFC to assess the micro, small and medium enterprises (MSME) sectors and research the specific financial needs of MSMEs in three West African countries.


    Assessing impact of agricultural innovation programme

    DFID contracted IPE Tripleline and Genesis Analytics to assess the contribution that AgriTech Catalyst has made to development outcomes and impacts through encouraging agricultural innovation in developing countries.


    Facilitating continuous learning for AI health research collaborative

    Genesis Analytics has been contracted to support the International Digital Health & AI Research Collaborative (I-DAIR) through a developmental evaluation (DE). Unlike the traditional formative or summative evaluations, DEs facilitate real-time or close-time feedback loops, facilitating a continuous learning cycle.


    Learning partner to Rockefeller Foundation's Food Initiative

    The Rockefeller Foundation appointed Genesis as the Monitoring, Evaluation, Research and Learning (MERL) partner for the Food Initiative’s East Africa portfolio.


    Measuring the impact of Mowgli's mentoring of SMEs

    Genesis Analytics was contracted by Mowgli Mentoring to act as a Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) partner to Mowgli Mentoring and provide M&E support with a particular focus on building a competitive evidence base to prove the impact of its mentoring programme.


    Rwanda review project on renewable energy

    The Development Bank of Rwanda appointed Genesis to develop a monitoring, evaluation and learning plan for the Renewable Energy Fund project.


    Addressing food security in a global pandemic

    Genesis Analytics, through the support of the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation (BMGF), advised the Solidarity Fund on if, and how, it could support a sustainable food production intervention that addressed the persistent experience of hunger by the most vulnerable households in South Africa (which has been aggravated by Covid-19).


    Ensuring the greatest impact of Covid relief funds in SA

    The Solidarity Fund was set up in March 2020 to fund a range of initiatives that addressed the Covid-19 crisis in South Africa. The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation (BMGF) funded Genesis Analytics to provide extensive and wide-ranging technical support for the fund to ensure that the investments made by the fund had the greatest possible impact.


    Can investment in public sector infrastructure result in job creation?

    Genesis was appointed by the Jobs Fund within the Government Technical Advisory Centre (GTAC) – a repeat client – to conduct an impact evaluation on selected infrastructure investment projects. The assignment included a comprehensive review of the overall infrastructure investment portfolio consisting of nine projects in total.


    Insights drive uptake of financial products by smallholder farmers

    Genesis Analytics was contracted by the Kenya Commercial Bank to undertake an impact evaluation of MobiGrow, a product that targets agricultural value chain actors to offer mobile-based financial inclusion and information to smallholder farmers and pastoralists in Kenya and Rwanda.


    Evaluating project for affordable, inclusive financial products

    Genesis was appointed by AccessHolding to conduct a mid-term evaluation of the Access2Acces programme to understand its performance and outcomes till the mid-point of the programme, in order to document key learnings arising from implementation, and to identify areas for improvement.


    Evaluating project to empower 2000 scholars through school

    The Forum for African Women Educationalists (FAWE) appointed Genesis to conduct a mid-term review of their 10-year programme to support 2,000 scholars (primarily girls) in Rwanda and Ethiopia through secondary school, and to further support a group of the Rwandan scholars through university.


    Evaluating entrepreneurial tools for SME growth

    Genesis was contracted by the Small Enterprise Assistance Fund (SEAF) to conduct an external evaluation of the Centre for Entrepreneurship and Executive Development (CEED) programme to assess its performance to date.


    Evaluation of SA Urban Knowledge Hub TA Programme

    Genesis Analytics was commissioned by the World Bank to conduct an evaluation of the South African Urban Knowledge Hub Technical Assistance Programme (TA programme), funded by Swiss State Secretariat of Economic Affairs (SECO).


    Insights into changing nature of work for young Africans

    Genesis was contracted by the Mastercard Foundation to perform audience-needs research for a new initiative to improve the availability of insights relating to the changing nature of work for young Africans in the coming 10-15 years.


    Monitoring implementation of City Support Programme

    Genesis Analytics was commissioned by the World Bank through funding from the Swiss State Secretariat of Economic Affairs (SECO) to provide monitoring support to South Africa's City Support Programme (CSP).


    Learning for better learning: Evaluating FiDA's learning partnership

    Genesis was appointed to conduct a strategic and forward-looking mid-term evaluation of the Partnership for Finance in a Digital Africa (FiDA), hosted by Caribou Digital, which is the learning partner to the Mastercard Foundation’s Next Generation Financial Services (NGFS) portfolio.


    Making markets work more effectively for smallholder farmers

    The Alliance for a Green Revolution in Africa (AGRA) appointed Genesis to conduct an end-of-programme evaluation of their Market Access Program (MAP) that was implemented in 14 countries in Africa between 2008 and early 2019.


    Positive impact of Passport to Success life skills on learners

    The International Youth Foundation (IYF) partnered with Genesis to conduct a rigorous impact evaluation of the Passport to Success life skills curriculum provided to learners participating in the EOH Youth Job Creation Initiative.


    Building Southern Africa's resilience to natural resource shocks

    Genesis is the long-term monitoring, evaluation and learning (MEL) partner on the Resilient Waters Programme, a USAID's five-year programme in the Okavango and Limpopo river basins.


    Genesis unpacks impact of social housing in South Africa

    The Social Housing Regulatory Authority (SHRA) contracted Genesis to undertake a study on the socio-economic and spatial restructuring impact of social housing in South Africa.


    Building robust M&E system to measure impact of enterprise programme

    Genesis Analytics was hired to develop the monitoring and evaluation system of Seedstars - an international social enterprise based in Geneva aimed at supporting high-growth entrepreneurs. Seedstars has seven offices in developing markets which act as workspaces and support centres for the entrepreneurs.


    A toolkit to support food loss and waste reduction initiatives

    Genesis was contracted by the Rockefeller Foundation to unpack the learnings from the YieldWise programme in Kenya, Nigeria and Tanzania and package these in an accessible toolkit, serving as a “how to do guide” for informing investments in food loss and waste reduction.


    Evaluating ILO job creation project for Syrian refugees and Jordanians

    Genesis conducted the final evaluation of an ILO's project to support Syrian refugees' and Jordanians' access to “green work” in the agriculture sector using an employment-intensive method. Its goal was to promote better living conditions for Syrian refugees and Jordanians through increased decent work in the agricultural sector and an improved environment.


    Supporting technical assistance to smallholder farmers project with MEL

    Genesis was engaged by Technoserve to provide MEL support to the Commercial Agriculture for Smallholders and Agribusiness Technical Assistance Facility (CASA TAF).


    Assessing outcome of empowering of girl scholars

    Genesis conducted a mid-term review of the Forum for African Women Educationalists (FAWE) scholars programme in Ethiopia and Rwanda


    Setting the baseline study for global digital development

    Description Digital Impact Alliance (DIAL), an independent organisation established to engage and resolve barriers associated with integrating digital development and data in developing and emerging nations, engaged Genesis to undertake a global baseline study.


    Unpacking key drivers of SA enterprise development success

    We conducted a review of the Jobs Fund's enterprise development (ED) portfolio to capture lessons around which models work best and why. We broke down the programmes into five core elements, and identified four key success drivers in South Africa.


    Mid-term review of largest UN project in digital finance

    Genesis was contracted to conduct a mid-term evaluation of Mobile Money for the Poor (MM4P), the largest of the UNCDF’s programmes in digital finance. The evaluation was based on a theory-based approach and used the OECD DAC criteria as its guiding framework.


    Genesis evaluates effectiveness of rural finance learning partner

    Genesis was appointed to conduct the mid-term evaluation of the Rural and Agricultural Finance Learning Lab established by the Mastercard Foundation as the official learning partner to the Fund for Rural Prosperity (FRP) and their grantees.


    Audit of Botswana enterprise programme's impact

    TechnoServe Botswana commissioned Genesis to conduct an audit of the impact assessment of its Tokafala Enterprise Development programme. 


    Genesis advises Swiss on Mozambique agri projects

    Genesis has been retained by the Swiss Development Corporation to sit on a strategic advisory committee (SAC) that advises the corporation on private-sector-led systemic approaches to agricultural development in Mozambique.


    Banking association evaluates its StarSaver programme

    Genesis Analytics was contracted by the Banking Association South Africa (BASA) to conduct a retrospective evaluation of the StarSaver™ programme that allows volunteers from participating banks and financial institutions to deliver hour-long lessons on savings to learners up to grade seven. 


    Innovating fintech services for smallholder farmers

    Genesis and The Springfield Centre were contracted by Mercy Corps and the MasterCard Foundation to conduct the mid-term evaluation of AgriFin Accelerate (AFA), a six-year, USD 24.7-million programme in Kenya, Tanzania and Zambia.


    Review of plan to grow skills in energy sector

    Genesis Analytics was contracted by the Rocky Mountain Institute (RMI) to conduct a programme evaluation of the relevance, effectiveness, expected impact and long-term sustainability of the Sustainable Energy for Economic Development (SEED) programme, which is funded by the Rockefeller Foundation and Virgin Unite.


    Genesis evaluates government's evaluation system

    Genesis, in partnership with UK-based IOD PARC, was appointed by the Department of Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation (DPME) in the Office of the Presidency to evaluate South Africa’s National Evaluation System.


    Genesis studies why 30% of SA births go unregistered

    Genesis was contracted to evaluate the Department of Home Affairs’ birth registration programme. Despite various interventions, only 694 000 out of approximately 1.1-million births are registered per year in South Africa.


    Evaluating plan to reduce post-harvest loses for Kenyan mango farmers

    Genesis was contracted to conduct an end-of-project evaluation of YieldWise Scale-Up to assess the extent to which the project had achieved expected results in reduction of post-harvest losses (PHL) for mango farmers.


    Evaluation of Microcred’s plan to bank a million new customers

    Genesis Analytics was contracted to conduct an evaluation of the Mass Market Financial Inclusion (MMFI) project, which aims to provide access to key financial services for the unbanked populations of Senegal, Côte d’Ivoire and Madagascar.


    USAID'S technical expert on agri trade project

    USAID has commissioned Genesis to be a lead support to the export competitiveness and agribusiness components of their flagship project, the Southern Africa Trade and Investment Hub (SATIH).


    Mid-term review of project to support agri-finance innovation

    Genesis was contracted to conduct a mid-term evaluation of the Financial Inclusion for Smallholder Farmers in Africa Project, which is aimed at improving food security and incomes of over 700 000 smallholder farmers in Ghana, Kenya and Tanzania. 


    Learning partner for responsible finance in Rwanda

    Genesis has been contracted for four years to Responsible Finance Through Local Leadership and Learning as their learning partner to spearhead the development and implementation of a solid strategy to extract and disseminate learnings from their activities both nationally and regionally. 


    Genesis evaluates Jobs Fund's on-lending projects

    The Jobs Fund has contracted Genesis Analytics to conduct project-level evaluations of the Anglo Gold Ashanti and Anglo American Sebenza Funds, two on-lending projects funded under its enterprise development-funding window.


    Impact of benefits of People and Parks project evaluated

    Genesis was contracted by the Department of Environmental Affairs  to conduct a socio-economic and environmental impact evaluation of the People and Parks projects between 2005/06 and 2015/16. 


    Enterprise project tests rural youth employment plan

    TechnoServe commissioned evaluations of their Strengthening Rural Youth Development through Enterprise (STRYDE) programme to understand their impact, learn from the implementation of both phases, and test the sustainability of their roll-out model.


    Plan for improving cross-border payments in SADC

    Genesis partnered with the FinMark Trust to verify what impact SADC's electronic cross-border payment system (called SIRESS) was having on the cost and efficiency of cross-border payments, and to understand why banks were not making greater use of it.


    Financial inclusion can address Africa's youth job crisis

    Genesis partnered with a prominent private foundation in the financial inclusion community to identify what the foundation had learned from its work in expanding access to formal financial services across the continent. This review took place against a broader strategic shift towards youth employment creation as a primary objective for many donors. 


    Evaluation of credit aid to ailing SA municipalities

    A large international donor organisation contracted Genesis to conduct an ex-post evaluation to understand what factors influenced the performance of its most recent credit line to structurally weak municipalities in South Africa.


    Review shows way to increase financial access

    Genesis partnered a prominent private foundation in the financial inclusion community to identify what it had learnt in expanding access to formal financial services across the continent.


    Microfinance sector in Rwanda still needs support

    Genesis Analytics evaluated the Microfinance Challenge Fund Rwanda and found that the Rwandan microfinance industry still needs support.


    Unintended consequences of SA climate change plan

    Genesis was contracted by the International Finance Corporation to assess the unintended outcomes and impacts of the Climate Change Investment Programme (CIPA) South Africa (SA).


    Monitoring consumer financial education in SA

    Genesis has been evaluating the FSB’s consumer education department’s (CED’s) project portfolio since 2015 and has also become the FSB’s learning partner in the financial capabilities space.


    Monitoring support for Ugandan rural credit bureau

    Genesis was contracted by Compuscan to provide monitoring and evaluation support to the Ground Up, a  rural and agricultural finance credit bureau and identification system in Uganda.


    Impact evaluation of housing support in Kenya, Uganda

    Genesis is conducting an impact evaluation of Building Assets, Unlocking Access, a programme by Habitat for Humanity International (HFHI), in collaboration with local financial service providers (FSPs) in Kenya and Uganda. 


    Learning partner in consumer financial education

    Genesis was asked to develop a learning agenda for the FSB’s consumer-education project portfolio. This includes specific learning questions that are answered through various research methods, drawing on the monitoring and evaluation of the FSB’s current and future projects, as well as additional research gathered from financial-service providers, policy-makers and researchers. 


    Diagnostic review of FSDA network's MRM systems

    FSDA contracted Genesis to conduct an assessment of their nine monitoring and results measurement systems and to develop bespoke training sessions to build its capacity.


    Impact evaluation of POWER Africa in Rwanda

    Genesis was contracted to do an impact evaluation of CARE Canada’s Promoting Opportunities for Women’s Economic Empowerment in Rural Africa (POWER Africa) initiative in Rwanda. Funded by the MasterCard Foundation, POWER aims to improve financial inclusion in Burundi, Côte d’Ivoire, Ethiopia and Rwanda by linking village loan and savings associations with formal financial institutions. 


    Rwandan women still marginalised in village saving schemes

    Genesis conducted an evaluation of CARE International’s Scale Up project that sought to reach 300,000 new Village Savings and Loan Associations (VSLA) members of whom 75% were to be women.


    Final evaluation of Banking on Change

    Genesis was contracted to do the final evaluation of Banking on Change, a partnership between Barclays, CARE International UK and Plan UK aimed at extending savings-led financial services to vulnerable individuals. 


    Helping innovation for Africa’s rural farm families

    One Acre Fund and the MasterCard Foundation engaged Genesis to conduct the mid-term evaluation of their programme to extend financing, technical support and other services to smallholder farmers. 


    Genesis is MEL partner for ASISA Foundation

    Genesis was appointed the learning partner for the ASISA Foundation, which was established by the Association for Savings and Investment South Africa (ASISA) to implement consumer financial education initiatives on behalf of the industry.


    Impact of in-school classes for budding entrepreneurs

    Genesis Analytics was contracted to conduct an impact evaluation targeting learners who had completed three years of the startUP&go programme funded by the International Labour Organisation (ILO). 


    Technical Advisory to National Treasury's Jobs Fund

    Genesis was appointed as technical advisers (TA) to the Jobs Fund to provide support for investment strategy, governance, monitoring and evaluation (M&E) and general operations.


    Assessment of youth employment project in Bosnia, Herzegovina

    Genesis Analytics was contracted to conduct a value assessment of the MarketMakers monitoring and results measurement (MRM) system. Key to this assessment was to establish which MRM activities were high or low value for money, given their estimated benefit compared with the investment required, and whether it was worthwhile for MarketMakers to become fully compliant with the DCED Standard.


    Rockefeller looks to new digital skills for Africa's youth

    Genesis was awarded a two-year grant by The Rockefeller Foundation to serve as monitoring and evaluation (M&E) partner to their Digital Jobs Africa (DJA) initiative, which was set up in response to the challenge of widespread youth unemployment in Africa.


    Final review of rural finances programme

    Genesis was commissioned by the MasterCard Foundation to conduct an end-term evaluation of the Financial Services for Rural Communities and Smallholder Farmers in Africa programme that has been run for five years. 


    M&E framework for Financial Sector Deepening Kenya

    Genesis developed a monitoring and evaluation framework for Financial Sector Deepening (FSD) Kenya.


    Mid-term review of DFID project in Mombasa

    Genesis Analytics was contracted to conduct a mid-term evaluation which assessed the efficiency and effectiveness of project implementation, evaluate how any changes in intervention design and delivery could be improved in the future, and identify opportunities for development and project scale up.


    Redesign of Agriculture Technical Assistance Fund

    Genesis was hired by TechnoServe, Inc. to conduct monitoring and evaluation and redesign of the African Agriculture Fund's Technical Assistance Facility.


    Developing a monitoring framework for SADC investment

    Genesis was contracted by the OECD to develop a monitoring framework to track progress towards the objectives of the Southern African Development Community's Investment Policy Framework (IPF).


    Evaluation of National Treasury Jobs Fund M&E Technical Advisory

    Genesis was hired by the South African National Treasury to conduct National Treasury Jobs Fund Monitoring and Evaluation Technical Advisory.


    Impact Study of internship programme on Harambee candidates

    Momentum is a leading South African financial services provider. It recently introduced an internship programme to identify and provide young people, who have had work experience, with an opportunity for long-term employment as financial advisers. The people were recruited from Harambee, an organisation that addresses skills gaps of unemployed young people and links them to employment opportunities.


    Final review of PEP Africa

    Genesis was contracted by the IFC to conduct an independent review of the 10-year PEP programme to understand the relevance, efficiency, effectiveness, and results and impact of PEP Africa and its projects. 


    Genesis is MEL partner to Helmsley Trust children projects

    Genesis has been the Leona M and Harry B Helmsley Charitable Trust's monitoring, evaluation and learning (MEL) partner since 2014. Over this period Genesis has provided quality assurance, evaluation and learning support to the trust across a number of grantees.


    Harambee mid-term Evaluation

    Harambee is an organisation that addresses knowledge and skills gaps among unemployed young people in South Africa and aims to link them to entry-level job opportunities. Having placed more than 10 000 young work-seekers in employment in three years, Harambee has built an effective model that provides unemployed youth with access to job opportunities.


    M&E of the Financial Services Board's consumer education

    Genesis was hired by the Financial Services Board to conduct the monitoring and Evaluation of the Financial Services Board's consumer education 2015.


    Assessment of intellectual property policy framework

    Genesis conducted a Regulatory Impact Assessment of intellectual property policy framework for the Department of Trade and Industry.


    M&E support for Ugandan credit bureau plan

    Genesis was hired by Compuscan CRB Ltd to provide ongoing monitoring and evaluation support during the establishment of a rural and agricultural finance credit bureau (called Ground Up) and identification system in Uganda. 


    Finalisation of Zimbisa’s MRM system to ensure DCED compliance

    Genesis was contracted to review the overall MRM system, complete the development of monitoring and learning tools, and design an internal training session for the Zimbisa team.


    Building case for climate-compatible development in Rwanda

    Genesis was employed to assist the Climate Development Knowledge Network (CDKN) in Rwanda in developing a business case for climate-compatible development in Rwanda.


    Value assessment of Access to Finance Rwanda

    Genesis was contracted to take stock of Access to Finance Rwanda's progress in achieving its goal and conduct a value for money (vfM) assessment of AFR’s investments in 2015. Following this work, Genesis was contracted to review their MRM system. After the review, AFR retained Genesis in 2016 to streamline its MRM component and facilitate the effective communication of its results internally and externally.


    Developing Mpumalanga's M&E framework

    The Office of the Premier in Mpumalanga required assistance in developing the province’s M&E framework. This involved setting up the framework for information flow to support evidence-based decision-making, as well as developing the indicators needed to measure progress across all 14 provincial outcomes.


    Final evaluation of YouthSave Initiative

    Genesis was contracted by the MasterCard Foundation to conduct a final evaluation of the YouthSave initiative. YouthSave was one of the first long-term programmes that had been funded by the foundation. 


    Environmental governance in mining is evaluated

    Genesis Analytics and Digby Wells Environmental were contracted by the Department of Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation (DPME), in partnership with the Department of Environmental Affairs (DEA), to conduct an implementation evaluation of environmental governance in the mining sector. The purpose was to assess the relevance and effectiveness of environmental legislation in mining and the implementation in achieving its objective.


    Measurement support for DFID programme in DRC

    Genesis supported the design, development and initial implementation of the monitoring and results management (MRM) system of DFID’s private-sector development programme in the Democratic Republic of Congo.


    Strategic input to financial education programme for consumers

    Genesis was contracted by a large financial services provider in South Africa to provide strategic input to its consumer education programme and to conduct the monitoring and evaluation for the programme.


    Framework to support decision-making for DBSA’s Green Funds

    Genesis Analytics provided detailed recommendations to the DBSA on its M&E framework and developed a comprehensive M&E system for its Green Fund.


    Impact evaluation of Industrial Innovation programme

    The Department of Trade and Industry’s Support Programme for Industry Innovation (SPII) was designed to promote and assist technology development in South African industry. Genesis was contracted to do an evaluation of SPII, to provide insight into the programme’s effectiveness and efficiency, assess its impact and determine how its impact could be strengthened.


    Evaluation of the Business Process Incentive Scheme

    Genesis was employed to do a comprehensive evaluation of the Business Process Services (BPS) incentive scheme that was launched by the Department of Trade and Industry (the DTI) in 2011 to enhance and contribute to South Africa's value proposition as a world-class outsourcing destination for international investors and service providers.

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