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Health financing and economics

Health financing and economics


Our team draws on multidisciplinary skills in public financial management, health finance, costing, efficiency studies and other economics analyses to inform policy, build resilient health systems and facilitate efficient implementation of health programmes to improve healthcare in the region.

Sustainable financing and the achievement of value for money in health interventions are increasingly recognised as key pillars in achieving the sustainable development goals for health and universal healthcare. 

At a time when many countries face large cuts to donor funding and competing demands for domestic resources, we provide technical support to decision makers in navigating this new reality.



    What’s holding back the fight against malaria in Cameroon?

    The Global Fund’s Technical Review Panel commissioned Genesis to retroactively assess the financial performance and value for money achieved by Cameroon’s national malaria programme over the period 2015-2020.


    Study evaluates TB patients’ out-of-pocket expenditure

    Genesis Analytics was contracted by the East, Central and Southern Africa Health Community (ECSA-HC) to act as one of the regional coordinating partners on a study to estimate and analyse the out-of-pocket expenditure (OOPE) that TB patients in Lesotho, Malawi, Mozambique and Zambia incur when accessing health services.


    Innovative funding for project to address teenage pregnancy

    Genesis Analytics was appointed with a consortium of partners to provide technical support for a social impact bond to address HIV and pregnancy in school-going adolescent girls in South Africa.


    Improving the accurate costing of HIV programmes in Africa

    Genesis has been awarded a contract to undertake a number of learning activities that will improve countries’ abilities to accurately cost their HIV programmes, using national data systems, and interpret existing cost data, thereby enabling more effective planning, budgeting and ongoing decision-making.


    Charting sustainable roadmap for AIDS in Sri Lanka

    Genesis was contracted by UNAIDS to lead a transition readiness assessment (TRA) in Sri Lanka and develop an implementable sustainability roadmap to mitigate for transition risks and vulnerabilities.


    Estimating cost of expanding community-based malaria control

    Genesis calculated the incremental cost of implementing and scaling-up community-based interventions in southern Angola to reduce the spread of malaria to neighbouring countries.

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