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Facilitating continuous learning for AI health research collaborative

The International Digital Health & AI Research Collaborative (I-DAIR) is a global research platform that aims to enable inclusive, impactful and responsible research around digital health and AI in health systems.

I-DAIR is being co-created by a range of partners that comprise the private sector, public sector in particular governments, donor agencies and academic institutions who share the vision and values of enhancing global health.

The overall goal for I-IDAIR is to emerge as a neutral trusted platform in the digital health and AI for health landscape, one that is committed to the wellbeing of children and young people in LMIC (low- to middle-income countries).

To achieve its intended goal, I-DAIR seeks to define and develop global public goods and other research enablers; promote collaboration and inclusiveness in scientific research across different geographies while developing particular health and AI research through its pathfinder projects; and lastly building research capacity and digital infrastructure across geographies, through its hubs and spokes.

Genesis Analytics has been contracted to support I-DAIR through a developmental evaluation (DE). Unlike the traditional formative or summative evaluations, DEs facilitate real-time or close-time feedback loops, facilitating a continuous learning cycle.

DEs are useful for, inter alia, framing concepts, testing quick iterations, tracking developments and surfacing issues. Clients are expected to be flexible, adaptable, agile, and able to pivot quickly to implement emergent learnings and findings. DEs are most suited to support the development of innovations and adaptations in dynamic environments.

To support the I-DAIR team, the Genesis team was fully embedded in the I-DAIRs team for 18 months to facilitate the conceptualisation, design, and rapid testing and piloting of ideas and pathways that will position I-DAIR to achieve its intended objectives.

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