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Photographer, Johnny Miller

Shared Value and Impact

Shared Value and Impact


A revolution is taking place in business. In the Shared Value and Impact practice our purpose is to reshape capitalism to serve the world. We put flourishing societies and ecosystems at the centre of the economy, not as afterthoughts.

We regard the company as the most powerful economic engine ever invented - and when companies start to think beyond narrow shareholder value to the creation of impact, they can also become potent drivers of development, social progress, inclusion and sustainability.

Leading The Team


    Ryan Short

    Managing Partner (Shared Value and Impact)

    Lael Bethlehem

    Partner (Shared Value and Impact)

    Kim Adonis

    Associate Principal (Shared Value and Impact)

    Frances Eberhard

    Principal (Shared Value and Impact)

    Paul Jorgensen

    Associate Manager (Shared Value and Impact)

    Mark Robertson

    Principal (Shared Value and Impact)

Areas of Expertise


      Corporate impact and ESG

      The analysis, measurement and improvement of social, economic and environmental (ESG) impact is more important than ever and businesses are increasingly expected to take a lead on societal and sustainability issues.

      Impact can be assessed at the level of a company, an investment, a project or a sector. Such evaluation is an important tool in strategy, project implementation, regulatory advocacy, staff motivation and reputation management.

      We are leaders in developing frameworks, tools and strategies that enhance sustainability and impact. Our expertise spans ESG, sustainability, net zero strategies, economic impact assessments, impact due diligences, ESG capacity building, and regulatory intervention design.


      Political and public policy advisory for corporates

      We advise companies across the continent on public and governmental affairs. We help them to understand and navigate the political economy, and to craft positive public policy strategies, supported by strong technical research and positions.

      Our public policy services include stakeholder mapping, policy and regulatory analysis, position papers, dialogue facilitation, and strategies for the mitigation of political, regulatory and legislative risk. Such work is often evidenced by independent economic impact assessments produced by Genesis.


      Economic and regulatory impact assessments

      Government policies and interventions create complex trade-offs. Changes in policies, laws and regulations, and active interventions, create both positive and negative impacts as well as winners and losers. We support governments and regulators across Africa to make the best regulatory decisions based on rigorous regulatory impact assessments

      Our assessments are founded on holistic data-driven impact analysis (cost-benefit analysis, cost-effectiveness analysis or multi-criteria analysis), expert stakeholder engagement facilitation, and customised regulatory and non-regulatory solutions co-designed with our clients.

      In the private sector, we are leaders in helping to measure and articulate the social, economic and environmental value created (or destroyed) by a company, sector or investment. To do so we conduct extensive economic impact assessments, using a range of impact measurement techniques. These draw on market analysis, stakeholder engagement and surveys, and economic modeling.

      In many cases, our public policy advisory relies on the objective analysis provided by our independent economic and regulatory impact assessments.


      Just transition

      Our Just Transition work addresses equity, distributional consequences of action and inaction, jobs and skills-building, amplifying marginalised voices, understanding the needs of ‘young’ countries, and mitigating the costs of structural changes to emerging and developing economies.



    Amazon’s 18-year impact in SA assessed for first time

    Genesis Analytics was commissioned to provide a detailed mapping of Amazon’s impact in South Africa from 2004 to 2021, assessing how Amazon has contributed to South Africa’s economic growth and service delivery,


    A new approach to impact reporting rolled out in Ghana with SCB

    Standard Chartered Bank partnered with Genesis as impact advisors to develop a next generation approach to impact measurement and reporting. This new approach was rolled out in a case study on lending to the manufacturing and infrastructure sectors in Ghana.


    Green options for Mpumalanga’s ageing coal power stations

    Genesis was put at the helm of a project consortium to study the impact and mitigation of the planned shutdown of seven ageing coal-fired power plants in Mpumalanga, South Africa. The project was commissioned by the Nationally Determined Contributions Partnership, on behalf of the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development, and involved economists, engineers and social experts.


    Winners and losers of Kenya’s gambling tax reforms

    Genesis was contracted by a corporate affairs and public policy advisory firm to independently measure the potential impact of proposed gambling tax reforms on the Kenyan economy.


    Unlocking lower-cost housing opens up $1.5-billion market

    Land reform is the most pressing and emotional political issue in South Africa. Genesis Analytics was approached by a banking client to design a solution to support urban land reform and the transformation of urban housing markets.


    What value does Airbnb add to the South African economy?

    Since its launch in 2015 Airbnb has grown rapidly in South Africa. Like other disruptive businesses, it has faced pushback from the traditional hospitality industry. To establish the contribution of Airbnb, the Shared Value practice at Genesis Analytics was asked to undertake an independent study to quantify the benefit of Airbnb to the economy.

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Related Focus Areas


    Agriculture and agribusiness

    Africa’s agricultural sector is critical to sustainable economic development. It supports economic opportunities in rural communities, the alleviation of poverty and plays an essential role in food security. Genesis works across the public-private interface for governments, donors, philanthropic and private sector clients.

    Unlocking the sector’s potential requires a combination of political will, enabling regulatory frameworks, improved access to finance, skills investment and climate change adaptation. An understanding of these interlocking factors underpins our approach to programme design and implementation.


    Communications and broadcasting

    We work with governments and regulators to cut through the complexities of digital markets and ensure that digital policy and regulation are fit for purpose, striking the optimal balance between intervention and innovation. Our work includes all aspects of governance and economic regulation including competition, digital rights, data protection and privacy, consumer protection, e-commerce, economic structure and digital trade.


    Centre of Digital Excellence

    The Centre of Digital Excellence (C0DE) focuses on technology innovation as well as the opportunities that this provides for improving the development potential of African nations and for managing the risks inherent in an increasingly digital world.


    Financial Services Strategy

    Our Financial Services team has completed more than 1000 projects across sub-Saharan Africa and the Middle East since 2001. We work with leading financial institutions to address their challenges, unlock value for their stakeholders and shape the future of the industry.

    Our team understands the evolving technology and market structures, economics and regulatory trends across all segments of the financial services sector. Our distinct approach is characterised by deep specialisation and rigorous analysis based on a strong economics foundation.



    We work with our clients to develop solutions aimed at improving the health of populations throughout Sub-Saharan Africa. 

    Our region faces the challenges of the quadruple burden of disease, which includes both communicable and non-communicable diseases, as well as violence and injury. 

    Coupled with this are relatively weak health systems, heavy reliance on donor funding and inequitable public and private sectors. Within this context, we provide experts with decades of experience in the design, implementation, costing and evaluation of health programmes, and strengthening of sustainable health systems.



    The manufacturing sector ranges from industrial to fast-moving consumer goods. Genesis has extensive experience in providing services across this sector, from the manufacture of steel, cement, chemicals, resins and fertilizers to credit cards, supermarkets, cereals and tyres.

    Working in this sector requires that economists quickly come to grips with technical issues of production and use of the products. At a retail and consumer level, economists must develop an understanding of competition dynamics that are often based on product differentiation through branding and marketing. They also need to understand the socio-economic impact of the sector.

    In addition to the competition economics and international trade work, our Applied Behavioural Economics practice is also active in this sector. We understand that humans routinely use biases and heuristics to make decisions, and that this often results in atypical or unexpected outcomes. We have proven that businesses can derive considerable value from designing for the fallibility of human decision-making, especially in the consumer-goods sector – whether that be in product design, marketing, sales, service, channels, or other functional areas.

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