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We work with our clients to develop solutions aimed at improving the health of populations throughout Sub-Saharan Africa. 

Our region faces the challenges of the quadruple burden of disease, which includes both communicable and non-communicable diseases, as well as violence and injury. 

Coupled with this are relatively weak health systems, heavy reliance on donor funding and inequitable public and private sectors. Within this context, we provide experts with decades of experience in the design, implementation, costing and evaluation of health programmes, and strengthening of sustainable health systems.

Leading The Team


    Dr Saul Johnson

    Managing Partner (Health)

    ​Sarah Magni

    Partner (Health)

    Adjoa Kwarteng

    Principal (Health | MMC Sustain)

    Robert Kyeyagalire

    Regional Technical Adviser (Health | TSM)

    Kerry Mangold

    Programme Director (Health | SSLN)

    Steve Cohen

    Principal (Health)

    Carl Schütte

    Associate Principal (Health)

    Dr Sue Aitken

    Manager (Health)

    Susannah Clarke-von Witt

    Manager (Health | Programme Evaluation)

    Tamika Fellows

    Manager (Health)

    Micah Fineberg

    Manager (Health)

    Ayesha Ismail

    Manager (Health)

    Dr Thomas Ofem

    Senior Technical Adviser (Health)

    Dr Sergio Torres Rueda

    Senior Health Economist (Health)

    Cara Waller

    Knowledge and Learning Technical Specialist (Health)

    Dr Jesse Werner

    Manager (Health)

    Emma Llewellyn

    Practice Manager (Health)

    Jessica Evans

    Operations Manager (Health)

Areas of Expertise


      Research, monitoring and evaluation

      We design and implement a variety of research projects ranging from national household surveys to discrete and focused programme reviews, formative research, as well as process and end-of-programme evaluations. We have specialist expertise in research translation and utilisation.

      Our researchers have decades of experience in quantitative and qualitative research methodologies and understand how to apply these in a practical way. This ensures that commissioning companies and organisations can confidently use our findings.

      We work with clients on the design of appropriate evaluations for their programmes, using robust methods and a cost-effective approach. We jointly develop user-friendly M&E frameworks and plans. We find ways to represent routinely collected data to encourage better decision making.

      Our work on research translation and utilisation has positioned our clients as leaders in the use of evidence-based approaches for adaptation, innovation uptake and programme improvement.


      Health financing and economics

      Our team draws on multidisciplinary skills in public financial management, health finance, costing, efficiency studies and other economics analyses to inform policy, build resilient health systems and facilitate efficient implementation of health programmes to improve healthcare in the region.

      Sustainable financing and the achievement of value for money in health interventions are increasingly recognised as key pillars in achieving the sustainable development goals for health and universal healthcare. 

      At a time when many countries face large cuts to donor funding and competing demands for domestic resources, we provide technical support to decision makers in navigating this new reality.


      Programme implementation support

      We unlock value and maximise impact in health delivery across Africa by addressing technical health systems challenges in programme implementation. We do this by providing technical assistance, capacity development and harness knowledge management & learning.

      Through our service offerings, we aim to achieve the following objectives:

      • Equip institutions with the insights, tools and methodologies needed to boost their capacity to effectively deliver sustainable health programmes
      • Identify and address root causes and underlying system behaviours that negatively impact programme implementation
      • Build the competencies of programme and policy stakeholders to implement and adapt best practices and strategies to optimise programme performance; to establish and coordinate collective learning networks; to harness social capital, disseminate good practices; and influence the conversion of learnings into action – from diagnostics, through design and delivery
      • Develop communities of practice from various geographies and thematic areas to document cases of good practice.

      Digital heath

      The Genesis team leverages its experience and skills to support the use of digital applications and services to collect and integrate diverse datasets to conduct innovative analysis for improving access to, and quality of, health services.

      We conduct landscape assessments of national or specific health information systems, and develop health sector specific strategies or policies to ensure that health information systems are integrated and able to share information in an efficient manner. We also co-ordinate and manage digital project implementation, and provide specific technical support for data analytics and data management.

      To support South Africa in reaching its 90-90-90 targets, we developed behaviourally informed messaging for a low-cost messaging platform that is used to engage all HIV-positive patients as part of a GP network.


      Behavioural sciences

      Insights from behavioural sciences foster an understanding of human behaviour within given contexts that allow us to design systems or interventions that result in behaviour change. The behavioural sciences is an umbrella term that draws on psychology, anthropology, cognitive science, behavioural economics (BE), and social and behavioural change communication (SBCC). Our work builds on the evidence base provided by behavioural sciences and applies it to effect behaviour change in wide-ranging contexts or settings. We use our deep sector expertise and experience in applying behavioural sciences insights to influence behaviour through communication, interventions, processes and systems. We design and deliver human-centred systems and processes, and effect scalable, sustainable behaviour change along the full impact pathway.



    Genesis leads USAID’s $17m fight against infectious diseases in Africa

    Genesis Analytics is a USAID prime partner for the Long-Term Exceptional Technical Assistance Project (LEAP), a $17-million initiative being implemented in 17 countries in Africa.


    Comprehensive strategy to improve Primary Healthcare in SA

    Genesis was contracted to assist Population Services International (PSI) and Society for Family Health (SFH) to develop PSI’s South Africa strategy.


    Strengthening HIV prevention through facilitated South-to-South learning 

    Genesis, in partnership with the University of Manitoba, is supporting the Global HIV Prevention Coalition (GPC) to establish and strengthen shared learning of best practice among 15 African countries heavily burdened by HIV. This is facilitated through the South-South Learning Network (SSLN), a GPC initiative.


    Innovative funding for project to address teenage pregnancy

    Genesis Analytics was appointed with a consortium of partners to provide technical support for a social impact bond to address HIV and pregnancy in school-going adolescent girls in South Africa.


    Campaign does improve men's perceptions on HIV testing

    South Africans (18-34 years) who are exposed to the Testa Boy campaign are 50% more likely to agree that men who test for HIV are strong and responsible, according to a study done by Genesis Analytics for the Centre for Communication Impact.


    Improving the accurate costing of HIV programmes in Africa

    Genesis has been awarded a contract to undertake a number of learning activities that will improve countries’ abilities to accurately cost their HIV programmes, using national data systems, and interpret existing cost data, thereby enabling more effective planning, budgeting and ongoing decision-making.

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Related Focus Areas


    Centre of Digital Excellence

    The Centre of Digital Excellence (C0DE) focuses on technology innovation as well as the opportunities that this provides for improving the development potential of African nations and for managing the risks inherent in an increasingly digital world.


    Human Development

    We work for a world where everyone can develop to their full potential. We are focused on expanding meaningful rights and opportunities for people who are marginalised. Part of a global African firm, we are particularly committed to children, women and young people in Africa and the Middle East. 

    We work in key human development areas: health, nutrition, and WaSH (water, sanitation and hygiene); youth, education and early childhood development; and social protection and social care. Rapid changes in demography, climate and technology are generating massive challenges and tremendous opportunities for human development. At the same time, Covid-19 has caused a severe shock to human development from which people and systems need to recover.

    We help governments, their global partners, and private and non-state clients to improve the delivery of key human development services while navigating these changes. To do so, we provide services in diagnostics; regulation, governance and oversight; strategy, planning and implementation; financing and budgeting; service delivery; and monitoring and evaluation.


    Competition economics

    As the leading provider of competition economics services in Africa, Genesis Analytics has an unmatched breadth and depth of skills and experience. Blue-chip companies across Africa routinely rely on us for expert advice and support when they interact with competition authorities. We also work extensively with regulators and competition authorities, giving us a position of trust based on a strong reputation for providing robust and independent expert economic views.

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