Human Development
Human Development
We work for a world where everyone can develop to their full potential. We are focused on expanding meaningful rights and opportunities for people who are marginalised. Part of a global African firm, we are particularly committed to children, women and young people in Africa and the Middle East.
We work in key human development areas: health, nutrition, and WaSH (water, sanitation and hygiene); youth, education and early childhood development; and social protection and social care. Rapid changes in demography, climate and technology are generating massive challenges and tremendous opportunities for human development. At the same time, Covid-19 has caused a severe shock to human development from which people and systems need to recover.
We help governments, their global partners, and private and non-state clients to improve the delivery of key human development services while navigating these changes. To do so, we provide services in diagnostics; regulation, governance and oversight; strategy, planning and implementation; financing and budgeting; service delivery; and monitoring and evaluation.
Leading The Team

Aśka Pickering
Areas of Expertise

Improving outcomes for infants, children and young people
Half the population in Africa is below the age of 20. We are committed to helping these young people, and their peers in the Middle East, develop to their full potential and make a positive contribution to their communities and societies. We work to improve education, care and support from the critical first 1,000 days of life, through K-12 education, up to young adults’ entry into the world of work.
We are particularly focused on expanding opportunities for children and young people who lack choice and opportunity. We work with governments, their partners in development, and private and non-state actors to improve the reach and quality of education, care, and support services. We help clients to take opportunities and deal with challenges presented by changes in demography, climate, technology and the shock of Covid-19.

Social protection, child protection and jobs
Optimising social protection and child protection systems for human development from within the Young World
Social protection is a set of policies and programmes that protect people against poverty and risks to their livelihoods and well-being. Various mechanisms can provide this protection, including cash or in-kind benefits, contributory schemes and programmes to enhance human capital, productive assets and access to jobs.
Our aim is to support our partners in optimising social protection systems for human development. We do this by reforming policies, improving financing and access, ensuring sustainability, integrating technology for better delivery, and tailoring these systems to contribute to the more holistic development of individuals and societies. This includes leveraging social protection to improve education and health outcomes, ensuring access to earning opportunities and a decent standard of living, and reducing vulnerability to shocks.
Child protection involves safeguarding children from harm and encompasses a range of measures and structures put in place to prevent and address abuse, neglect, exploitation and violence against children.
We work to improve child protection systems by supporting the strengthening of legal frameworks, enhancing coordination among stakeholders, and building the capacity of child protection workers. We have worked with our partners to implement preventive measures through community education and parenting support programmes, ensuring child participation in decisions affecting them, and securing sustainable funding.
We believe that social protection and child protection systems don’t change from the outside. As a Young World firm rooted in Africa, we boast a team composed mostly of senior and junior staff who reside in and originate from the Young World. This grants us access to tacit knowledge, expansive networks, legitimacy and a profound commitment to driving change. We believe in a unified approach to transformation that embodies an inside-out perspective where everyone collaborates on joint solutions. This methodology is deeply ingrained in the firm’s culture of Siyakhana.

Social sectors financing
Our Social Sectors Financing team is dedicated to advancing human development through diagnostics underpinned by rigorous economic analysis.
We support solution design, backed by understanding the contexts within which we live and work. In addition, we support implementation, where we provide catalytic expertise to existing systems. We strive to create a world where everyone, particularly those marginalised, can achieve their full potential.

Public finance management
Public finance management (PFM) services optimises systems, processes and practices. We propose budget responses most adapted to local contexts, considering an evolving geopolitical landscape, a limping global economy and rising risks.
Underpinned by the “Collect more – Spend better” approach, our interventions involve generating evidence by tagging and tracking, streamlining mechanisms and introducing new forms of budgeting, fostering transparency and accountability, building capacity, transferring skills and building coalitions.

Service: Strategy, planning and implementation
Improving strategy, planning, and putting strategies and plans into action.
Making difficult choices with scarce resources – and then turning those choices into reality – is critical to good service provision. The rapid changes to which human development sectors must adapt give renewed importance to effective strategy, planning, and implementation on a regular basis.
Using Genesis’ approach to joint solutions, we help human development clients develop robust, realistic, and innovative strategies and plans, and then put them into action.

Service: Regulation, governance and oversight
Optimising the performance of human development service providers and support systems.
Human development at scale requires hundreds of thousands of organisations functioning independently yet coherently, both to provide services (such as schools) and to support them (such as textbook printing). Effective regulation, governance and oversight arrangements are key to this.
Working with our Competition and Regulatory Economics practice, we help governments improve their regulation of private and non-state organisations, and improve the governance oversight of their own human development systems. We help private and non-state organisations interested in human development to navigate regulation effectively.

Service: Service delivery
Improving the quality and coverage of human development services.
People can develop to their full potential when they have access to quality human development services. We are committed to helping governments, their partners, and private and non-state actors improve these services.
We support building and running excellent organisations (such as schools or clinics); improving systems for recruiting, training, deploying and managing capable and motivated people (such as teachers or care workers); making sure appropriate goods (such as cash or food transfers), materials (such as textbooks) and technology are available as needed; improving systems for standard setting (such as a curriculum or care standards), verification (such as a single registry for social protection) and assessment; and engaging communities.

Service: Monitoring and evaluation
Supporting learning, accountability and communication in human development.
Understanding what works and why in human development is not straightforward. Human development systems are complex in themselves and interact with other complex systems. This creates unpredictability: it is by no means certain that what has worked to improve human development outcomes in one time and place will work in another.
However, rigorous and contextual analyses of human development programmes can help improve outcomes. Working with our Evaluation for Development practice, we help human development clients to conduct monitoring and evaluation for the purposes of learning what works and why, of accountability for public or private funding, to take a note of and learn from failure, and to identify and celebrate success.

Building the case for an investment in ECD in Burundi
Genesis Analytics partnered with UNICEF and the Government of Burundi to build the case for multi-sectoral early childhood development (ECD) investments in the country and recommend the package of ECD interventions that is optimal to boost the development of its youngest generation and, thus, of the nation as a whole.

Marshalling financing for Tunisia’s sustainable development
Genesis Analytics is working with the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) to find ways to mobilise additional financing for Tunisia’s sustainable development. The objective is to evaluate existing financing tools and propose actionable recommendations for new tools based on international experiences.

Counting the health costs of VAT on soap in Madagascar
Genesis Analytics partnered with UNICEF and the Government in Madagascar to evaluate whether an exemption in the value-added tax on soap would increase access to soap and achieve better WASH-related outcomes, and drive tax policy decision-making based on the recommendations derived from the evaluation.
Related Focus Areas

Behavioural solutions
Genesis recognises that certain problems in commerce and development demand an expert understanding of human behaviour. Moreover, the quality of traditional solutions can often be dramatically improved by incorporating behavioural expertise. Behavioural Solutions at Genesis combines expertise in economics, psychology, anthropology and sociology to unlock value.

Financial sector strategy
Genesis offers a wealth of experience in providing strategy support to financial services players, with two decades of experience and over 600 successfully completed projects in Africa and the Middle East.
Our clients are diverse. We assist governments and government agencies in developing long-term strategies aimed at economic development and advise donors in developing their initiatives to better reach their targeted segments.

We work with our clients to develop solutions aimed at improving the health of populations throughout Sub-Saharan Africa.
Our region faces the challenges of the quadruple burden of disease, which includes both communicable and non-communicable diseases, as well as violence and injury.
Coupled with this are relatively weak health systems, heavy reliance on donor funding and inequitable public and private sectors. Within this context, we provide experts with decades of experience in the design, implementation, costing and evaluation of health programmes, and strengthening of sustainable health systems.

Monitoring, evaluation and learning
We work to maximise the social and economic impact of development efforts. As a trusted provider of monitoring, evaluation and learning (MEL) services we combine our deeply rooted understanding of the African context with our extensive experience in qualitative and quantitative monitoring and evaluation (M&E) methods to assess progress, measure value creation, and facilitate internal and external learning.

Water and sanitation
Water has been identified by the World Economic Forum (WEF) as the most significant area of global risk. Africa is particularly vulnerable, given the relatively low level of average annual rainfall, constrained access to clean and safe drinking water, and climate variability on the continent.
Genesis has provided strategic advice to donors, governments and the private sector to support decision-making in the water sector. We have also evaluated water projects and worked as a learning partner on longer-term programmes.