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Youth: Our focus is on girls and young women

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    Evaluation aims to unlock Tanzania’s innovation potential

    The Ifakara Innovation Hub, a catalyst for regional innovation and entrepreneurship, was the subject of an end-term evaluation conducted by Genesis Analytics at the behest of the Embassy of Switzerland in Tanzania.


    Youth entrepreneurs: How they differ and ways to support them

    Genesis was contracted by Youth Business International (YBI) to conduct evidence-informed research into global youth entrepreneurship to guide the organisation’s work in the area.


    Pro-bono support for GBV support and advocacy charity

    As part of the Genesis Analytics’s pro-bono work, we partnered with the Jes Foord Foundation to help them advance their fundraising strategy and support their donor database and approach technique.


    Women shine in evaluation of Ethiopian business growth project

    Genesis Analytics conducted a final evaluation of Digital Opportunity Trust’s Entrepreneurship and Business Growth project in Ethiopia. The project conducted business skills training with entrepreneurs, linked MSMEs to business development services and facilitated greater access to finance.


    Assisting a low-fee independent school to articulate its impact

    Genesis in Society, the firm's corporate social investment arm, engaged Molo Mhlaba to conduct a programmatic assessment of the school, update the school’s theory of change and establish an impact framework to help Molo Mhlaba build an investment case for the school’s future donors.

    Suad Kamardeen on Unsplash

    What have we learnt about HIV prevention for SA's AGYW

    Genesis was contracted by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation to consolidate the implementation challenges and promising practices of AGYW HIV prevention programmes in South Africa.


    Improving the mentorship of AGYW in HIV prevention programmes

    Genesis was contracted by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation to assist in providing support to the assessment of PEPFAR’s DREAMS and the Global Fund’s mentoring component of their adolescent girls and young women’s HIV prevention programmes.


    Looking for ways to improve AGYW programming in East and Southern Africa

    Genesis has been contracted by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation to synthesise and contextualise evidence to guide countries in managing and implementing comprehensive HIV prevention responses for adolescent girls and young women (AGYW).


    Strategic Learning for IYF’s Passport to Success Programme

    Genesis was appointed to conduct a strategic learning exercise of the Via: Pathways to Work, a five-year initiative that aims to improve economic opportunities for underserved youth in Mozambique and Tanzania.


    Assessing tech-enabled solutions to global youth unemployment

    Genesis was commissioned by Mercy Corps to conduct a rapid impact assessment of its Youth Impact Labs (YIL) programme.


    Measuring the impact of Mowgli's mentoring of SMEs

    Genesis Analytics was contracted by Mowgli Mentoring to act as a Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) partner to Mowgli Mentoring and provide M&E support with a particular focus on building a competitive evidence base to prove the impact of its mentoring programme.


    Creating better opportunities for young people with 4IR

    Genesis has partnered with UNICEF in Rwanda, South Africa, Oman and Qatar to conduct a foundational landscape analysis that informs the development of the country investment agenda for young people in each country.


    Unlocking gender barriers faced by Malawian women

    CAMFED commissioned Genesis to conduct research into potential growth sectors for women’s entrepreneurship in Malawi, and to understand the gender barriers facing women entrepreneurs in that country.


    Evaluating project to empower 2000 scholars through school

    The Forum for African Women Educationalists (FAWE) appointed Genesis to conduct a mid-term review of their 10-year programme to support 2,000 scholars (primarily girls) in Rwanda and Ethiopia through secondary school, and to further support a group of the Rwandan scholars through university.


    Framework for SME finance to support agriculture value chain in Africa

    Genesis partnered with an international donor organisation to compare the operational processes of a group of agri-SME lenders to identify ways of serving the agricultural value chain more effectively.


    Our behavioural solutions team lifts school attendance by 14%

    Genesis Analytics partnered with the Fun Learning for Youth (FLY) programme in Alexandra to help them improve attendance and attainment rates. The interventions resulted in a 14% increase in student attendance across all grades over the five-week period.


    Insights into changing nature of work for young Africans

    Genesis was contracted by the Mastercard Foundation to perform audience-needs research for a new initiative to improve the availability of insights relating to the changing nature of work for young Africans in the coming 10-15 years.


    Positive impact of Passport to Success life skills on learners

    The International Youth Foundation (IYF) partnered with Genesis to conduct a rigorous impact evaluation of the Passport to Success life skills curriculum provided to learners participating in the EOH Youth Job Creation Initiative.


    Unpacking gig opportunities for unemployed Kenyan youth

    Genesis partnered with Mercy Corps Youth Impact Labs (YIL) Kenya to undertake a study that unpacks the potential that the gig economy has in solving Kenya’s unemployment challenge.


    Diagnostic of Young Africa Works strategy in Malawi

    Genesis was commissioned by the Mastercard Foundation to conduct a diagnostic of Malawi to help guide its country office strategy. 


    Diagnosing MSME development challenge in Africa

    Genesis partnered with a private foundation to diagnose the MSME landscape in four countries to understand the key growth constraints and programming opportunities for MSME development.


    Making agriculture markets more accessible to youth

    Genesis was commissioned by the Alliance for a Green Revolution in Africa (AGRA) to find a way to make young people more effective in agriculture.


    Enterprise project tests rural youth employment plan

    TechnoServe commissioned evaluations of their Strengthening Rural Youth Development through Enterprise (STRYDE) programme to understand their impact, learn from the implementation of both phases, and test the sustainability of their roll-out model.


    Financial inclusion can address Africa's youth job crisis

    Genesis partnered with a prominent private foundation in the financial inclusion community to identify what the foundation had learned from its work in expanding access to formal financial services across the continent. This review took place against a broader strategic shift towards youth employment creation as a primary objective for many donors. 


    Impact of in-school classes for budding entrepreneurs

    Genesis Analytics was contracted to conduct an impact evaluation targeting learners who had completed three years of the startUP&go programme funded by the International Labour Organisation (ILO). 


    Technical Advisory to National Treasury's Jobs Fund

    Genesis was appointed as technical advisers (TA) to the Jobs Fund to provide support for investment strategy, governance, monitoring and evaluation (M&E) and general operations.


    Assessment of youth employment project in Bosnia, Herzegovina

    Genesis Analytics was contracted to conduct a value assessment of the MarketMakers monitoring and results measurement (MRM) system. Key to this assessment was to establish which MRM activities were high or low value for money, given their estimated benefit compared with the investment required, and whether it was worthwhile for MarketMakers to become fully compliant with the DCED Standard.


    Mid-term review of DFID project in Mombasa

    Genesis Analytics was contracted to conduct a mid-term evaluation which assessed the efficiency and effectiveness of project implementation, evaluate how any changes in intervention design and delivery could be improved in the future, and identify opportunities for development and project scale up.


    Impact Study of internship programme on Harambee candidates

    Momentum is a leading South African financial services provider. It recently introduced an internship programme to identify and provide young people, who have had work experience, with an opportunity for long-term employment as financial advisers. The people were recruited from Harambee, an organisation that addresses skills gaps of unemployed young people and links them to employment opportunities.


    Harambee mid-term Evaluation

    Harambee is an organisation that addresses knowledge and skills gaps among unemployed young people in South Africa and aims to link them to entry-level job opportunities. Having placed more than 10 000 young work-seekers in employment in three years, Harambee has built an effective model that provides unemployed youth with access to job opportunities.

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