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Genesis in the news



    New Nairobi office to unlock value in the Young World

    Genesis Analytics has hit a new landmark in East Africa with a team of 50 ready to unlock value in the Young World.

    To accommodate its growing staff in Kenya, the firm moved into new offices in Nairobi this month. Their East Africa director, Betty Maina, cut the ribbon on Wednesday night in Westlands with chair and founder Stephan Malherbe to officially open the office.


    Why the Young World matters

    There are 800 million young people in Africa, of which 200 million are under the age of five.

    Africa is at the heart of the Young World, a grouping of countries with young, growing populations that stretches from the south of the continent across North Africa and the Middle East into Southeast Asia.


    How AI can inclusively transform agri-food systems in Africa

    Advances in artificial intelligence (AI) will be the most significant contributor to the transformation of agri-food systems in Africa, writes Genesis partner Mark Schoeman


    USAID launches inclusive AgriTech digital design toolkit

    Genesis Analytics and Athena Infomatics have been supporting USAID’s Bureau for Resilience, Environment, and Food Security (REFS) to develop an inclusive digital design toolkit.

    The USAID Toolkit for Inclusive AgriTech Digital Solution Design provides guidance to USAID staff and implementing partners on how to design inclusive digital technology interventions in Feed the Future activities. 


    AI4D Africa focuses on AI for persons with disabilities

    Designing Artificial intelligence to help people with disabilities was a focus point at the Artificial Intelligence for Development in Africa (AI4D Africa) programme phase 2 workshop in Accra this month.

    The workshop, hosted in Accra by the Responsible AI Lab(RAIL), centered on readiness to scale and responsible AI framework for Africa. They again delved into ways to strengthen research for policy change, language models as well as means to ensure effective collaboration.


    African governments asked to upgrade HIV funding for better impact

    African countries have been called on to upscale funding for HIV prevention and keep it steady to save lives and ensure national advancement.

    This was the call from a three-day regional HIV prevention meeting organised by the South-South Learning Network (SSLN), which facilitates country-to-country learning and knowledge exchange and provides technical assistance to countries within the network. 


    Airbnb SA provides jobs, aids economic growth

    Online accommodation booking platform Airbnb supported almost 50 000 jobs and contributed more than R23.5 billion to the South African gross domestic product in 2022. This is according to the new Airbnb Economic Impact report conducted by independent consultancy Genesis Analytics − commissioned by Airbnb – released on 19 October 2023.


    Congratulations to the winners

    Our annual Value Unlocked competition showcases the best work done in the firm over the past year that highlights our purpose of Unlocking Value for our clients and communities. The standard this year was as exceptional as always and the firm had a hard time voting for the winners.


    100 African health experts discuss HIV prevention in Accra

    A Human Immune Deficiency Virus (HIV) Pre-expo­sure Prophylaxis (PrEP) Collab­orative Regional Conference which comprises of more than 100 health ex­perts from 20 African countries opened yesterday in Accra.

    PrEP is a critical HIV preven­tion tool that involves the use of antiretroviral medications by individuals, who are HIV nega­tive, but are at increased risk of acquiring the virus. Read more here and here 

    From funding to financing: Call to increase national budgets for sexual and reproductive health

    Access and availability of sexual and reproductive health services is not only a basic human right, but also one of the most powerful opportunities for long-term socio-economic development. Each dollar invested in ending preventable maternal deaths and meeting the unmet need of family planning by 2030 will bring economic benefits of USD 8.4 by 2050, and these returns are even greater for investments in ending harmful practices such as female genital mutilation and child marriage.


    Urgent call for adaptation investment plans to catalyse adaptation finance

    Adaptation investment planning spur investments in prioritised projects and support the the implementation of adaptation and resilience measures in Africa. In this analysis, Sarah Wewege and Chipo Rusere of our Climate Finance and Economics practice discuss the advantages of this approach and how it can present a compelling case for investment. Read more here 


    Anti-dumping duties on frozen chicken up in SA for review

    South African chicken producers and importers of frozen bone-in chicken portions are gearing up for the upcoming review to reimpose anti-dumping duties against several key trade partners.

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