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Reports and other documents


    Abia State Mobiliser reviews response to COVID-19 pandemic

    The National Orientation Agency in Nigeria has released a report detailing the agency's activities and response to the COVID-19 pandemic. Genesis worked with the agency to provide daily nudges to remind everyone on what behaviours we need to adopt to prevent infection and further spread of the virus. The nudges were disseminated every morning across its social media pages and to other healthcare stakeholders for reposting across their networks.


    How social media is powering small business in Africa

    The Facebook Company contracted Genesis to produce an independent report exploring the impact of the digital economy and social media on small- and medium-sized businesses (SMBs) in eight African countries (South Africa, Nigeria, Kenya, Ghana, Mauritius, Senegal, Cote d’Ivoire and the DRC).

    The study finds evidence that social media platforms are powerful catalysts in the formation and growth of new SMBs, and shows that SMBs that use digital tools such as the Facebook apps (Facebook, WhatsApp, Instagram and Facebook Messenger), are the vehicles for realising Africa’s three latent opportunities:

    1. Leveraging Africa’s competitive advantage of an extremely young population;

    2. Bringing more women into formal economic activity; and

    3. Diversifying and expanding intra-African trade.

    * For all media enquires please contact Olivia Nloga 



    Les medias sociaux au service des petites entreprises en Afrique

    The study finds evidence that social media platforms are powerful catalysts in the formation and growth of new SMBs, and shows that SMBs that use digital tools such as the Facebook apps (Facebook, WhatsApp, Instagram and Facebook Messenger), are the vehicles for realising Africa’s three latent opportunities:

      1. Leveraging Africa’s competitive advantage of an extremely young population;
      2. Bringing more women into formal economic activity; and
      3. Diversifying and expanding intra-African trade.

    * For all media enquires please contact Olivia Nloga 




      Genesis, the MEL partner of the ASISA Foundation, assessed the extent to which financial education, in particular the financial education provided by their WageWise programme, builds resilience during economic downturns. The survey found that individuals who had received some form of financial education prior to the pandemic, fared much better compared to their counterparts. In particular, they had existing savings, less debt, and they were able to continue to provide for their families, even with reduced incomes due to the pandemic.


      What do we know about preparing financially for disasters?

      Dr Marcela Tarazona, the partner in our new Climate Finance practice, co-authored the recently published WHAT DO WE KNOW ABOUT PREPARING FINANCIALLY FOR DISASTERS?. The Centre for Disaster Protection report reviews the evidence on the welfare impacts of proactive approaches to setting up finance for disaster response


      Measuring the prevalence of COVID in three SA areas

      Genesis, in partnership with the NICD, PHRU and Epicentre, are excited to share the preliminary findings of the Healthcare UTilisation and Seroprevalence (HUTS) survey. The survey is currently running in the households of three South African communities (Maritzburg, Klerksdorp, and Mitchell's Plain). This report shows that 35.8% of survey participants had antibodies for COVID-19 as of 31 January 2021.


      Our progress report submitted to the UN Global Compact (2021)

      Genesis Analytics is a signatory to the United Nations Global Compact and supports the Ten Principles of the UN Global Compact with respect to human rights, labour, environment and anti-corruption. Download our 2021 report.


      Evaluation of CDC's financial institutions portfolio

      Genesis Analytics supported FCDO & CDC on its inaugural Financial Institutions (FI) portfolio evaluation. CDC is one of the largest development impact investors in Africa and South Asia.


      Lessons of MSD approach for responsible finance in Rwanda

      Our recent partnership with The SEEP Network’s Responsible Finance through Local Leadership and Learning (RFL3) programme culminated in a learning brief that captures the successes, challenges, and lessons of implementing a market systems development (MSD) approach in Rwanda.

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