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Reports and other documents


    Impact Of Foreign Banks During Banking Sector Liberalisation

    Managing partner of our Financial Services Strategy practice, Richard Ketley, was in Addis to present at the East African Financial Summit in May 2022. Richard argues that there are the strongest indications yet that the banking sector will soon be opened to foreign participation. Download the presentation of his thoughts on how this may play out.


    Webinar on best practices in mentoring for AGYW HIV prevention

    Genesis Analytics hosted a webinar on best practices in mentoring for AGYW HIV prevention programming as part of Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation project Improving the mentorship of AGYW in HIV prevention programmes. Click here to access the Q&A session.


    Understanding Mentorship for Adolescent Girls & Young Women

    Genesis was contracted by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and will be working with The Population Council to synthesise and contextualise evidence to guide countries in managing and implementing comprehensive AGYW HIV prevention responses for AGYW.

    More about the project: Looking for ways to improve AGYW programming in East and Southern Africa


    What does the Russia-Ukraine War mean for Africa?

    Ryan Short, the partner in the Shared Value and Impact Practice at Genesis Analytics, sat down with Aloysius Ordu from The Brookings Institution to discuss the trends to look out for in Africa’s business world this year, including “net zero” commitments, the evolution of ESG and impact, the EU’s green taxonomy, COVID-19 vaccine mandates, and the economic and political consequences of the Russia-Ukraine War.

    Catch the webinar here


    South African Financial Sector Outlook Study 2022

    Genesis Analytics in partnership with the Financial Sector Conduct Authority reviewed the South African financial landscape and describes the financial industries regulated by the authority. It details developments within the different industries, the associated risks and trends observed. In addition to analysing individual industries, the report looks at macroeconomic developments and drivers of change, including the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the financial sector.


    Genesis Information Privacy Policy

    Genesis recognises the need to give effect to the constitutional right to privacy, subject to justifiable limitations aimed at balancing the right to privacy against other rights and important interests. This policy sets out Genesis’s approach to data protection and access to information in respect of the organisation.


    Digitisation of Financial Products for Cross-Border Traders

    FinMark Trust (FMT), in consultation with in-country partners, commissioned Genesis to carry out a scoping exercise to understand the state and dynamics of informal cross-border trade between South Africa and three of its neighbours, eSwatini, Mozambique and Zimbabwe.


    Guide to our work in energy regulation

    Our regulation expertise spans a wide variety of sectors and includes tariff design and determination, sector strategy and policy advisory assessing, and the impact and effectiveness of regulation.


    Escalators and elevators: Supporting occupational transitions for young people

    Harambee Youth Employment Accelerator and Genesis Analytics conducted research to understand how we can transition young people into occupations with better career prospects and earnings. 

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