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Reports and other documents


    Nudging PHC healthcare workers to refer men for VMMC in South Africa

    Genesis, via its MMC SUSTAIN programme, has been assisting South Africa's voluntary medical male circumcision (VMMC) programme since 2018. The aim? Transition to a more locally owned and implemented VMMC programme. Using behavioural insights and nudge-like techniques, we developed a set of tools to guide staff at primary healthcare facilities to promote VMMC to everyday-patients. 


    Branching Out: Financial inclusion at the margins

    This learning brief draws on the work of the Branching Out: Financial Inclusion at the Margins programme (the Branching Out programme). It summarises the lessons learnt from the programme on providing grant funding and technical assistance to organisations seeking to broaden financial inclusion for bottom of the pyramid communities, particularly women in Zambia, Rwanda and Sierra Leone.


    Evaluating new products to increase financial inclusion

    A large portion of the developing world still remains financially excluded. Genesis Analytics partnered with the WSBI-ESBG to evaluate their Scale2Save programme (funded by the Mastercard Foundation). The programme focused on supporting eight financial institutions (First City Monument Bank Limited, LAPO Microfinance Nigeria, Barid Cash Morocco, BRAC Uganda, Centenary Bank Uganda, FINCA Uganda Limited (MDI), Postbank Kenya and Advans Côte d'Ivoire) to develop low-balance savings account products aimed at increasing financial inclusion.


    How governments can better fund children's nutrition

    The first of its kind, this manual covers the content of a new course in public finance management focusing exclusively on nutrition and targeted at nutrition stakeholders and decision makers in Asia. UNICEF East Asia and Pacific and South Asia Regional Offices collaborated with Oxford Policy Management (OPM) and Genesis Analytics to develop a new training manual on Public Finance Management for Children-Nutrition (PF4C-N), with a focus on South Asia and East Asia and the Pacific. The manual aims to support governments to realise children’s rights through the best possible use of public budgets.


    Landscape analysis of education for employability for young Zambians

    Working closely with UNICEF Zambia, Genesis Analytics produced the Landscape Analysis of Skills Development and Career Education for Employability of Adolescents and Young People in Zambia.


    Our Stakeholder Report 2022

    Biannually Genesis Analytics publishes a Stakeholder Report to update our clients, partners and other associates on the work of the firm. The report gives insight into our staff and our values, policies and activities.


    Programmatic assessment of a low-fee independent school

    Genesis in Society, the firm's corporate social investment arm, engaged Molo Mhlaba to conduct a programmatic assessment of the school, update the school’s theory of change and establish an impact framework to help Molo Mhlaba build an investment case for the school’s future donors. More on the project: Assisting a low-fee independent school to articulate its impact


    Use of cross-border digital payments in COMESA region

    The Common Market for Eastern and Southern Africa (COMESA) Business Council (CBC) is working to develop and deploy an integrated, low-cost, interoperable and fraud-resistant digital payments platform. This report captures the findings of a market research conducted within the COMESA region to assess the key challenges faced by MSMEs to develop an understanding of their training needs for accelerating the use of digital payments for cross-border transactions.


    Cost–benefit analysis of early childhood devlopment in Burundi

    The Investment Case for Early Childhood Development (ECD) in Burundi is a cost-benefit analysis of scaling up different packages of multi-sectoral interventions aimed at children under the age of eight. The analysis was conducted for UNICEF across a long-term time horizon (up to 2050) and saw us extracting non-monetary and monetary benefits associated with incrementally scaling up coverage of these interventions from a baseline rate.

    Genesis study on ECD in Burundi selected for top UNICEF award in 2022.

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