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Economic opportunity

Related focus areas


    Youth: Our focus is on girls and young women

    Africa is experiencing an unprecedented youth wave.  Our focus in youth is on young girls over the next five years so that no one is left behind in the development of the next generation. 

    Gender equality describes a world in which women and girls have equal access to resources and opportunities and where their participation, contributions, and decisions are valued and rewarded as much as those of men.

    For this reason Genesis looks at all its projects through a gender lens so we can find the opportunities for gender equality and address the barriers that keep women and girls from being fully active in their homes, economies and societies. We can’t achieve progress if half the world’s population is left behind and their potential and talent are left untapped.


    Centre of Digital Excellence

    The Centre of Digital Excellence (C0DE) focuses on technology innovation as well as the opportunities that this provides for improving the development potential of African nations and for managing the risks inherent in an increasingly digital world.


    Economic impact assessment

    In economics there are always trade-offs. Changes in policies, laws, and regulations, and every government intervention creates both positive and negative impacts, winners and losers.

    Good government requires that these impacts are mapped and understood, so that responsive policy can be crafted to maximise the positive while minimising the negative.


    Financial Services Strategy

    Our Financial Services team has completed more than 1000 projects across sub-Saharan Africa and the Middle East since 2001. We work with leading financial institutions to address their challenges, unlock value for their stakeholders and shape the future of the industry.

    Our team understands the evolving technology and market structures, economics and regulatory trends across all segments of the financial services sector. Our distinct approach is characterised by deep specialisation and rigorous analysis based on a strong economics foundation.


    Monitoring, evaluation and learning

    We work to maximise the social and economic impact of development efforts. As a trusted provider of monitoring, evaluation and learning (MEL) services we combine our deeply rooted understanding of the African context with our extensive experience in qualitative and quantitative monitoring and evaluation (M&E) methods to assess progress, measure value creation, and facilitate internal and external learning.

    Photographer, Johnny Miller

    Shared Value and Impact

    A revolution is taking place in business. In the Shared Value and Impact practice our purpose is to reshape capitalism to serve the world. We put flourishing societies and ecosystems at the centre of the economy, not as afterthoughts.

    We regard the company as the most powerful economic engine ever invented - and when companies start to think beyond narrow shareholder value to the creation of impact, they can also become potent drivers of development, social progress, inclusion and sustainability.

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