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Reports and other documents


    Nigerian MSMEs offer 13-trillion Naira finance market opportunity

    The International Finance Corporation (IFC) of the World Bank commissioned Genesis Analytics to conduct a market insights study to understand how  MSMEs can be supported from a financial services perspective.


    Behavioural Economics in Banking at Genesis Analytics

    Behavioural economics is a powerful field that combines economics and psychology to influence behaviour and improve decision-making for the better through low-cost, high-impact, easy-to-implement interventions. Genesis Analytics created the first team of consultants in Africa in 2014 to use a scientific understanding of human behaviour to solve practical problems in the world of business.


    Can AI inclusively advance agri-food systems?

    In late 2022, ChatGPT made it clear that AI is transforming our world. But what does this revolution mean for agri-food systems in low and middle income countries? The Centre of Digital Excellence at Genesis partnered with the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and US Agency for International Development to investigate. This report unpacks why and how AI and automation is used by small-scale agricultural producers, what the risks and opportunities are, and makes recommendations for steering AI innovation toward more inclusive outcomes. We also hosted a webinar, which you can watch here.

    Download the full report

    Download the executive summary

    Download the “Is AI relevant to small-scale producers in LMICs” extract

    Download the “Impact of AI and automation on small-scale producers” extract

    Download the “Considerations to inclusively advance AI and automation in agri-food systems” extract


    Designing banking around women's needs

    Can a bank’s value proposition targeting women be designed in a gender intentional way that avoids creating ‘pink products’? Tascha Terreblanche unpacks what Financial Services Strategy have come to learn about women and financial services with the value proposition components for a bank - product, price, promotion, place, process.


    The Global Business Services unit at Genesis Analytics

    Our Global Business Services (Genesis GBS) is at the forefront of analysing and quantifying BPO and IT/digital outsourcing market trends, developments and best practice.


    Introduction to our Human Development practice

    We work for a world where everyone can develop to their full potential. We are focused on expanding meaningful rights and opportunities for people who are marginalised. Part of a global African firm, we are particularly committed to children, women and young people in Africa and the Middle East.


    Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanicam and Implications for South Africa

    This working paper examines the European Union’s (EU’s) Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism (CBAM) proposal, the implications for South Africa, and possible response options and was written by John Ward (Genesis Analytics). The paper benefited from feedback from the Presidential Climate Commission’s (PCC’s) Climate Finance and Innovation Working Group and the PCC’s NetZero Working Group.


    Can impact bonds to address climate change challenges in Senegal?

    Climate change poses an existential threat to the city of Saint-Louis, Senegal. With an estimated population of 80,000 people living in high-risk zones, we need to act now. FSD Africa in partnership with UMOA-Titres commissioned Genesis to study the potential for impact bonds to unlock climate finance flows in the city.


    Lessons from Business Growth Project in Ethiopia

    Genesis Analytics conducted a final evaluation of Digital Opportunity Trust’s Entrepreneurship and Business Growth Project in Ethiopia. The project trained entrepreneurs on business skills and linked MSEs to business development services and facilitated greater access to finance. 

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