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    Devil in the details of raising capital requirement

    The National Bank of Ethiopia (NBE) issued a directive in April 2021 that required the country’s commercial banks to increase their minimum paid-up capital. The Ethiopian banking sector comprises more than 20 banks, which collectively boast ETB 199 billion in capital. The devil is in the details as two public banks dominate the market, while half of the country’s banks have yet to meet the requirement.


    How green is your trolley?

    Mastercard recently commissioned a study in 24 countries that revealed that consumers are becoming more concerned about the environment and are changing their views on consumption and CO2 impact. In particular, 85% of adults are willing to do something on their own to help solve environmental problems.


    A bittersweet COP27 for Africa

    COP27, the “African COP” was held in Sharm El Sheikh, Egypt, from 6 to 18 November. The conference held a mirror to the world on progress against climate change. For Africa, the results were bittersweet.


    The other COP: Biggest biodiversity conference in a decade

    While many people are aware of the recently completed COP27, another important global conference will take place in Montreal from 7 to 19 December 2022. This is the 15th meeting of the Conference of the Parties on the UN Convention on Biological Diversity or COP15 where nations are expected to commit to targets on biodiversity for the next decade that will reverse biodiversity loss and secure a nature-positive world by 2030.


    We recruit globally for young talent passionate about unlocking value

    We really enjoyed meeting you at the recent careers fair. Genesis obviously caught your eye so we’d like to let you know a little more about us. We’re sure you don’t want to read reams of text, so instead we’d like to point you to some recent Genesis News.


    What does Africa want from COP27?

    The Conference of Parties (COP27), which runs from 6 - 18 November 2022 in Sharm el-Sheikh, Egypt, presents a fresh opportunity for African countries to come together and demand the support and finance needed to prevent temperature rise, to adapt to climatic changes, and to make a just transition to a low-carbon economy.


    Participatory MEL brings the insights of learned experience

    In participatory monitoring, evaluation and learning (MEL) a wide range of stakeholders are engaged and consulted throughout the process to help to ensure that a programme is relevant and more likely to yield impact. Under participatory MEL, these groups are consulted as experts about their own lived experience and these insights are incorporated into the programme and MEL design process.


    Help us determine impact of AI, automation on agri-food systems

    The Gates Foundation and USAID have partnered with Genesis Analytics to determine the impact of AI and automation processes on agri-food systems in low and middle income countries. We want to identify use cases across various regions and agri-food value chains which make use of these technologies. The RFI contains a brief overview of the assignment and a short questionnaire. Please download this RFI to assist Genesis in gaining insights on use cases and examples of the applications of AI and automation in agri-food systems.


    Ethiopia opens banking to foreign competition

    In a significant shift for African banking, the Ethiopian government has approved a far-reaching policy that will soon open the country’s banking sector to foreign competition. The long-awaited decision taken by the Ethiopian Council of Ministers on 3 September is more extensive than anticipated. Foreign banks will be able to enter the market as wholly-owned subsidiaries, branches or in a joint venture with a local bank.


    Evaluation of Molo Mhlaba’s unique school for girls

    As part of Genesis’ corporate social investment arm, Genesis in Society, the Evaluation for Development team engaged Molo Mhlaba to conduct a programmatic assessment of the school, update the school’s theory of change and establish an impact framework to help Molo Mhlaba build an investment case for its future donors.


    Investing in a greener continent

    Predicting the future involves a lot of educated guessing. When it comes to investing in Africa, most of the guessing is based on a common set of indicators that are often used to characterise the health and stability of an economy. These include Gross Domestic Product, a country’s predicted growth, its population size, and measures related to the business environment and governance.


    Gender Lens Investing promotes inclusive growth

    Gender Lens Investing (GLI) is an approach to investing that has an explicit intention of promoting the economic and social empowerment of women while also achieving financial returns. There has been an increase in GLI based on a greater body of evidence demonstrating that when women are economically empowered, they re-invest in their families and communities, producing a multiplier effect that contributes towards inclusive economic growth.

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