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Competition economics

Competition economics


As the leading provider of competition economics services in Africa, Genesis Analytics has an unmatched breadth and depth of skills and experience. Blue-chip companies across Africa routinely rely on us for expert advice and support when they interact with competition authorities. We also work extensively with regulators and competition authorities, giving us a position of trust based on a strong reputation for providing robust and independent expert economic views.



    Genesis report shifts debate on proposed chrome ore export tax

    Genesis was approached by a group of non-integrated chrome producers to conduct its own independent assessment of the export tax on chrome ore that has been lobbied for by ferrochrome producers as well as other stakeholders in the industry. 


    Expert economic evidence green lights JSE’s acquisition of Link Market Services

    Genesis was appointed by the Johannesburg Stock Exchange (JSE) to provide an expert economic report and testimony in the JSE’s acquisition of share registry business Link Market Services South Africa (Link SA).


    Genesis advises Indian airline in battle for air traffic rights allocation

    Go Air approached Genesis to provide an independent economic report on the appropriate allocation of air traffic rights in its challenge of the methodology and process of the allocation of these rights in India.


    Expert economic testimony paves the way to tile merger

    Genesis was appointed by Italtile to provide expert economic opinion and testimony in Italtile’s acquisition of Ceramic Industries Limited (CIL) and Ezee Tile. 


    Probe on restrictive warranties on car parts

    Genesis was asked by a player in the automotive industry to conduct an independent economic assessment of the impact of prescriptive warranty provisions used by original equipment motor vehicle manufacturers (OEMs) on South African consumers.  


    Unlocking competition in digital finance in Africa & Asia

    Genesis was commissioned to study impediments to more effective competition in mobile money markets in four markets – India, Bangladesh, Kenya and Nigeria.

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