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Reports and other documents


    Evaluation of Ghana project for Helmsley Trust

    One of the two implementation evaluations that Genesis did for the Helmsley Charitable Trust was CRS Ghana’s Integrated Sanitation Hygiene and Nutrition for Education (I-SHINE) project. The executive summariy presents the project's performance against the OECD’s DAC Criteria for Evaluating Programme performance, as well as the recommendations arising from the evaluation results.


    Evaluating financial education initiatives in South Africa: The importance of multiple evaluation approaches

    This study aims to show that, particularly in a South African context, where investment in financial education interventions is mandated by the Financial Sector Codes, impact should not be the only criterion assessed when evaluating financial education projects. Article in African Evaluation Journal by Emily Massey, Alyna Wyatt and Caitlin Smit


    Effective project preparation – the launchpad to effective PPP projects in Ghana

    The recent spurt of PPP pipeline projects in Ghana is an encouraging reflection of the increasing engagement between the public and private sector to meet the country’s significant infrastructure challenges. The potential for the current pipeline and future projects to effectively attract local and international private sector investors and development depends on our ability to effectively prepare and package these projects


    Implementation evaluation of government incentive programme

    This article in the African Evaluation Journal describes the implementation evaluation of the business process services (BPS) incentive programme undertaken by the Department of Trade and Industry (the dti), Genesis Analytics and the Department of Performance Monitoring and Evaluation (DPME) as part of the 2012/2013 National Evaluation Plan. By Nonceba Mashalaba, Alyna Wyatt, Jabu Mathe and Reshni Singh


    The economic contribution of De Beers to Botswana

    De Beers, the world’s largest diamond miner, asked Genesis and PwC to produce an independent report to analyse the economic contribution of the partnership to Botswana from 1967 and an analysis of the economic contributions in 2014.


    SAVER WAYA-­WAYA: ASISA Foundation’s Financial Literacy Programme

    Evaluation of the ASISA Foundation Pilot Consumer Financial Education Project in Hammanskraal by Genesis Analytics.


    Effective Project Preparation for Africa’s Infrastructure Development

    The lack of a strong pipeline of well-prepared, bankable projects has been widely recognized as one of the key constraints to infrastructure development in Africa. The objective of this paper is to raise both the demand and supply side issues, as well as to propose recommendations for addressing these concerns for the deliberation of the ICA Annual Meeting 2014.


    Evaluation of Support Programme for Industrial Innovation (Final report)

    The purpose of this evaluation is to provide insight into the effectiveness and efficiency of the current model of implementation of the Support Programme of Industrial Innovation (SPII), assess the impact of SPII and to determine how the beneficial impacts can be strengthened.


    Implementation Evaluation of the Business Process Services Incentive Scheme Programme (Final report)

    The Business Process Services (BPS) incentive scheme was launched by the Department of Trade and Industry (the dti) in 2011 to enhance and contribute to South Africa‟s value proposition as a world class outsourcing destination for international investors and service providers.

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