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Health, nutrition and WaSH

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    Analysis opens tap to gender equality in African sanitation delivery

    The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation contracted JG Afrika and Genesis Analytics to conduct a needs assessment and landscape analysis to pinpoint how the foundation could best support its African-based urban sanitation partners with technical assistance that resulted in targeted and sustainable gender mainstreaming. 


    Diagnosing expenditure performance through health financing analysis

    The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation needed to identify health-financing challenges driving poor system performance and the entry points in addressing the challenges.


    Supporting health-financing advocacy with evidence-driven strategies

    We apply a suite of diagnostic and analytical approaches in health financing assessment to determine the adequacy, efficiency, cost-effectiveness and equity of financing for different disease and programmatic areas.


    Impact of COVID-19 on fiscal space for HIV in three countries

    To assess the magnitude of the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on health and HIV expenditure, UNAIDS carried out fiscal-space analyses in the Democratic Republic of Congo, Jamaica, and Lesotho.


    Supporting Uganda to prioritise cost-effective investments in nutrition.

    Genesis has been appointed to support UNICEF and the Government of Uganda to develop high-quality evidence to support decision-making that will ensure the available resources are targeted at the most cost-effective components of the Uganda Nutrition Action Plan.


    Assessing performance of family planning financing

    Genesis conducted family-planning performance assessment for the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation to identify key improvement areas in family-planning financing for three countries and created a tool that supports alignment between the foundation’s health and family-planning financing strategies.


    Counting the health costs of VAT on soap in Madagascar

    Genesis Analytics partnered with UNICEF and the Government in Madagascar to evaluate whether an exemption in the value-added tax on soap would increase access to soap and achieve better WASH-related outcomes, and drive tax policy decision-making based on the recommendations derived from the evaluation.


    Supporting health financing reform in Africa with ALM

    Genesis Analytics is supporting the Africa Leadership Meeting – Investing in Health, which is tasked with developing tools and mobilising African governments to increase domestic investments in health.


    Improving the accurate costing of HIV programmes in Africa

    Genesis has been awarded a contract to undertake a number of learning activities that will improve countries’ abilities to accurately cost their HIV programmes, using national data systems, and interpret existing cost data, thereby enabling more effective planning, budgeting and ongoing decision-making.

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